“Grief comes in waves, paroxysms, sudden apprehensions that weaken the knees and blind the eyes and obliterate the dailiness of life.”
Whether your loss is sudden or you have been expecting it, grief is an emotion that is indescribable unless you have been through it before. Grief is like its own language and it comes in waves, often times taking our breath away with its intensity. Of course no one person can change the facts in a painful situation, but it genuinely helps to have someone speak the language of grief and help the person move through the stages of loss. Grief is not depression; it is its own kind of deep feeling that confuses some bystanders and loved ones of the person that is hurting so deeply. Therapy helps as it can ease the process and ensure that the person in pain gets the right support during a very difficult time.
Very unfortunately, my family experienced a grave loss with an untimely death and I learned about grief in a very personal way. There’s something very calming and safe about meeting with someone who has been through a profound loss and who understands the depths of pain that people experience when a loved one leaves our world. I often find that people with huge hearts and wonderful intentions don’t really know what to say when approaching a family member or friend who is grieving. Now that I am well versed with this subject, I sincerely value the time helping people learn what this language sounds like and it’s a meaningful education that will serve people their whole lives.