“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly”
When two people make the decision to live together and join their lives in marriage, they are making a huge commitment, but sometimes without the knowledge of what that commitment will really entail. As a couple, you stand together on a platform, one that encompasses your entire history in terms of religion, family of origin, social and economic status, geography, family challenges, sibling order, etc.
All of these things have a profound impact on how you will move forward with life's gifts and frustrations, as individuals and in your marriage. It is extremely helpful to have a clearer picture of what is being brought into the marriage, so that you can develop an honest, healthy, and meaningful platform that works specifically for you and your marital relationship. Marriage therapy provides exactly that.
For example, if you or your spouse has an alcoholic father, that is part of your relationship's platform. If one comes from a single parent home, if one is an only child, or has been adopted (no matter the situation you have grown up in), it all makes an impact and contributes to the platform your marriage stands on. Having a very real understanding of how that can and will affect your relationship is the goal of marriage therapy and the basis of a resilient, happy and sustainable marriage.
I have never, in over 30 years of marriage therapy, met a couple who couldn't establish a solid and strong platform if they wanted to move forward in a healthy manner. With guidance and a clear understanding of where your partner's heart lies, you can create something magical within your marriage. We will set forth a clear intention from the start of our therapeutic relationship and move toward achieving many goals.
I offer many suggestions about how to move away from feeling stuck in what feels like a flat and exhausting relationship. I suggest homework assignments and work diligently to show you how to feel successful in your marriage and life. Even by the end of the first session, you will be given tools to take home that help shift the energy right away.
I decided to focus my practice on healing relationships when I realized how many couples suffered from some basic complications that I found to be easily solvable and changeable when both people have the desire. I thoroughly love walking couples through the different steps of creating a more meaningful and sustainable foundation while they are able to honor each other’s hearts. Together we work through any resistance and I offer many guidelines, suggestions, tools and even homework assignments to help get couples on the right track. After doing the work myself for over 25 years, I truly believe in this process. I love celebrating love!